Policy coherence for sustainable development is at the heart of the Agenda 2030. This Review of Good Practices looks at the linkages between Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and climate change adaptation, around main dimensions of policy, innovation and practice. Building greater policy coherence among DRR and climate change adaptation can contribute to advancing sustainable development. Among the examples of good practices is our project: OPERANDUM. The purpose of OPERANDUM is to enable stakeholders and end users to improve knowledge in nature-based solutions and DRR and climate change adaptation actions as well as provide ways to build resilience and protect the natural and cultural heritage through Open Laboratories.
Aim of the Review of Good Practices
This paper aims to showcase good practices of policy coherence around climate resilience, with the intention of raising awareness of UN country teams and the strengthened application of both policy agendas in the development and implementation of UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Frameworks at country level. It aspires to remain a living document, continuously enriched through good practices shared by the UN family from across the region.
Transformative action and change
DRR and climate change adaptation are vehicles of transformative action and change. Although different in many respects, the transformative processes have in common the emphasis on key
dimensions of vulnerability and the role of citizens and organisations as agents of individual and social change. Through new commitments, knowledge and innovative mechanisms, transformational approaches advance the integration of DRR and climate change adaptation on the local, regional, transboundary and global levels, by designing shared vision and pathways to realize thatvision.
This Review is structured around five domains in which good practices fostering coherence and building resilience to climate and disaster risks are introduced:
- Governance and institutional capability to coordinate responses to disaster and climate risks, and
foster innovative and forward-thinking solutions, - Assessment of disaster and climate risks, vulnerabilities and coping capabilities, which consider
systemic interlinkages and dependences, - Nature-based Solutions which provide cost-effective ways of reducing risks and provide additional ecologic, social and economic benefits,
- Disaster and climate finance embedded within comprehensive financial protection strategies and
contributing to building resilience to financial impacts of climate and disaster risks, - Monitoring, reporting and evaluation or learning to trace progress made in reducing risks and
building resilience, assess what has been accomplished, and communicate the processes and outcomes.

© IBC on Environment and Climate Change
The IBC considers the review of good practices as a working document that will evolve over time as further good practices will be developed, shared and disseminated. The compilation of good practices could be further developed into an online database, through which each UN Country Team may identify practical solutions and inspirations from experiences shared from across the UN family.
About IBC: The role of Issue-based Coalitions?
Led by one or several agencies, these broad, multi-partner coalitions coordinate the UN response to cross-cutting challenges in the region, help realize synergies among related areas of work of different UN entities, and serve as platforms to reach out to non-UN stakeholders. Through regular meetings, the coalitions coordinate their cross-sectoral activities and develop plans for joint action (e.g. interagency guidance notes, common position papers, side events at intergovernmental meetings).
The work of the Issue-based Coalitions is guided by the Regional UN System Meetings, which decide over the establishment of new coalitions and review the work of existing coalitions.
Issue-based Coalition on Environment and Climate Change
The Issue-based Coalition on Environment and Climate Change provides a regional platform for UN agencies to (i) promote coordinated support to all Member States in Europe and Central Asia in their implementation of the 2030 Agenda and (ii) support UN Country Teams in the Europe and Central Asia region on environmental and climate change issues. The Coalition, active as of January 2020, addresses activities dedicated to strengthening environmental and climate change governance, improving environmental management and climate change mitigation and adaptation, and promoting sustainable management of natural resources. UNESCO, one of the partners in the OPERANDUM project, is co-chair.
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