20th of October
Morning | 10:00 am – 13:00 pm
Afternoon | 13:00 pm – 16:00 pm
Within the EU-funded project OPERANDUM, Nature-based Solutions (NBS) have been tested and developed for different environmental issues, e.g. flooding, landslides or coastal erosion, in numerous pilot areas throughout Europe. In this workshop promising NBS innovations will be presented, which can be released on the market on relatively short notice. During the workshop these innovations are subject to discussion in order to provide valuable feedback for the project partners.
What will you learn?
For you as potential user of these innovations, the workshops offer the unique opportunity to learn about these innovations firsthand. Furthermore, your feedback will help the innovators with final adjustments to ensure that their innovation completely fulfils consumer needs.
Which NBS innovations will be showcased?
The Nature-based innovations will be showcased and discussed in two sessions (4 innovations in the morning and 4 innovations in the afternoon). The morning session consists of the following NBS innovations: GeoIKP an online NBS platform which is one of the main deliverables of OPERANDUM, Smart green roofs, NBS for riverbank enforcement, and a NBS package to combat shallow landslides. In the afternoon session the Biodegradable bentonite mate, NBS to combat salinisation, the Artificial dune, and a NBS engineering approach to combat river flooding will be discussed. The structure of each session will be as follows:
1 Short introduction of NBS innovations
2 Deep dive discussion (innovators and participants about pros, cons, drivers and barriers)
3 Wrap-up
4 Networking session (further open questions)
More information on the NBS innovations can be found in this folder.
Want to join our workshop? Sign up by clicking the link below.